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来源:中国组织工程研究 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-01
摘要:背景:前期研究构建了聚羟基乙酸-人牙髓干细胞复合物,发现力学刺激该复合体可有效构建组织工程化肌腱韧带样组织。 目的:假设聚羟基乙酸与犬牙髓干细胞构建的肌腱/韧带组织工



方法:制备6 只比格犬急性一壁牙周缺损模型,随机分为2 组:实验组植入聚羟基乙酸-犬牙髓干细胞复合物,对照组不做任何填充处理。移植12 周后,通过苏木精-伊红染色、AZAN 组织学染色观察牙周再生情况。动物实验获得南京军区福州总医院实验动物福利与伦理委员会批准。

结果与结论:①苏木精-伊红染色:实验组牙周缺损处可见较多的新骨生成,离根面缺损的远端处新生骨结构与正常骨组织结构仍存在差别,上方纤维结缔组织较厚;对照组缺损处只有少量新骨形成,牙龈与根面并没有结合形成长结合上皮结构;②AZAN 染色:实验组牙周缺损处可见致密的新骨生成、牙周膜再生及较薄的牙骨质层形成,新生牙周膜与正常牙周膜组织接近;对照组缺损处只有少量新骨形成,几乎没有新生牙周膜,上方为牙龈结缔组织,牙龈与根面并没有结合形成长结合上皮结构;③组织学定量分析结果显示,实验组结合上皮长度、新生牙骨质、新生牙周膜、新生骨高度、新生骨面积均多于对照组(P<0.05);④结果表明,犬牙髓干细胞复合聚羟基乙酸可以促进牙周组织再生。


BACKGROUND:Our previous studies have constructed polyglycolic acid-human dental pulp stem cells complex,and it is shown that mechanical stimulation of the complex can be effective in the construction of tissue-engineered tendons or ligaments.

OBJECTIVE:We assume that tissue-engineered tendons or ligaments constructed by polyglycolic acid and canine dental pulp stem cells may promote the healing of periodontal tissue defect,so we verify the promoting effect of the complex for repairing canine one-wall periodontal defects.

METHODS:One-wall acute periodontal defect models of six Beagle dogs were models were randomly assigned to experimental group (canine dental pulp stem cells-polyglycolic acid complex) and control group (without any implanting).Periodontal regeneration was observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining and AZAN staining at 12 weeks after animal experiment was approved by the experimental animal welfare and ethics committee of Fuzhou General Hospital of Nanjing Military Area Command.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1) Hematoxylin-eosin staining:There were numerous new bones at the site of the periodontal defect;there were still differences between the new bone structure in the distal part of the root surface defect and the normal bone structure;the fibrous connective tissue above was thick in the experimental was only a small amount of new bone at the site of the defect,and the gingiva and the root surface did not combine to form long junctional epithelium structure in the control group.(2) AZAN staining:Compact new bone formation,periodontal membrane regeneration and thin cementum formation could be seen at the site of the periodontal defect;new periodontal membrane was close to the normal periodontal membrane tissue in the experimental was only a small amount of new bone formation at the site of the defect,almost no new periodontal membrane,and the upper part was gingival connective tissue,and the gingiva and the root surface did not combine to form long junctional epithelium structure in the control group.(3) Histological quantitative analysis results showed that the length of junctional epithelium,new cementum,new periodontal membrane,new bone height,and new bone area were more in the experimental group than in the control group (P<0.05).(4) These results confirm that canine dental pulp stem cells combined with polyglycolic acid contribute to periodontal regeneration.

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文章来源:《中国组织工程研究》 网址: http://www.zgzzgcyj.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0301/1045.html


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